Friday, September 28, 2012

星期五:分組教學 English-Learning Stations


Today, we split into groups and tried different English-learning stations. Children also did some work with me.

Grades 1 & 2

"What letter is this?" "C" (big C and little c)
"What sound does it make?" /c/
"What begins with the letter C?" cat, caterpillar

D: dog, dinosaur

Grades 3 & 4

"About Me" sheet.  We practised the questions and answers orally and then filled in our own sheets.  This was a good way to review our "daily conversation" material.

These photos were taken at around the same time.  Note how busy every child is.  It gave me an opportunity to do some one-on-one work, too.

First grader makes some alphabet letters with play dough.

Using play dough to make letters. Beginner students.
Second graders review alphabet with play dough.

Older classmate helping younger classmate review alphabet.

First graders do some C and D vocabulary art.

Third grader practices a magic trick a classmate taught earlier.

Early finisher escapes with a book.

Native English speaker finds opportunity to read some Chinese.

Monday, September 24, 2012

分享一個網站 A Good Site for More Advanced Learners 有很多聽馴練的遊戲等等


這些遊戲很好: 練習小朋友的發音分別的能力,每張卡有一個發音,要找兩個一樣的得到一份, 從game 1開始:

***老師們也可以玩玩看, 或聽一些好的故事***

Saturday, September 22, 2012





What do you see?
I see...

  • an apple
  • an ant
  • an alligator

  • a ball
  • a bag
  • a bear
  • a banana
  • a bike

*小朋友寫 A & B, 唸"I see....."


"My Body" 我的身體

  • Name the body parts (ears, eyes, knees, feet, etc)
  • "I can (jump) with my feet."